In this article, you will learn to write MapReduce program using Java programming language. This program is to just understand the concept of MapReduce programming, which will simply take some input file and same data will be passed through Mappers and Reducer to generate the final output. Pre-Requisites: 1. Eclipse […]
Apache Hadoop YARN: Best Practices
Found a nice presentation on YARN:Best Practices by Hortonworks…!!
MapReduce Introduction
Hadoop MapReduce is a software framework designed to develop applications to process large dataset in parallel in a reliable and fault tolerant manner. A MapReduce application processes the input dataset into chunks in parallel on multiple nodes. The below diagram shows the different phases for a MapReduce application: There are two […]
YARN Introduction
YARN is a sub-project of Hadoop introduced in Hadoop 2.0. It is the next generation framework for resource management. With Map-Reduce focusing only on batch processing, YARN was conceptualised to provide a more general processing platform for data stored in HDFS. This document summarises the growing need of big data […]