Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (AWS EC2) is the Amazon Web Service which is used to create and run virtual machines (instances) in the cloud. This step-by-step guide helps administrators to successfully launch a Linux virtual machine on Amazon EC2 for Free of Cost. By referring previous post, you must have created […]
Linux commands and installations, applicable to any flavor of linux like ubuntu, centos.
Passwordless SSH between linux machines
Passwordless SSH (Secure Shell) between two machines is required by a lot of distributed frameworks. It creates a secure shell connection from the host machine to the remote machine without password prompt. Follow the steps below to configure Passwordless SSH between two linux machines. Prerequisites 1. Install Open SSH Server package on […]
Linux Overview
As a beginner, you should know about some basic details of Linux which are described well in this blog. Linux is an operating system such as Windows, Mac. This topic includes an introduction to Linux, a brief description of Linux kernel, various Linux versions which are used worldwide commercially or […]
CentOS configure Static IP Address
Follow the steps mentioned below to configure or assign static IP to a centos machine: 1. Check for interface name of the ip to be made static by running command: ifconfig 2. If the interface name of IP is say eth6 then create or open the corresponding interface file as: […]
Install My-Sql in Ubuntu
Install sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client Set root user password for localhost sudo mysqladmin -u root -h localhost password ‘urpassword’ Set root user password for anyhost: sudo mysqladmin -u root -h hostname password ‘urpassword’ Open mysql shell mysql -u root -p Allow hosts(machines) to access mysql installed on other machine(login […]
Ubuntu Firewall
Turn on the firewall ufw enable Turn off the firewall ufw disable Allow all connection by default ufw default allow Deny all connection by default ufw default deny Current status and rule ufw status Allow traffic on port ufw allow port Deny port ufw deny port Block ip address ufw […]
Configure Static IP Address in Ubuntu
You can configure a network adapter of a machine to use a static IP address. To configure static IP address in Ubuntu, you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file Open the file with Sudo Option sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Assuming that the eth1 is the adapter for which static IP address is to be […]
Install Java in Linux
To install Java in Linux, refer the following instructions: 1. Download the 32bit or 64bit compressed binary “.tar.gz” file from here. 2. Create a system directory like /usr/lib/jvm to install JDK and copy the tar file to the directory. sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm sudo mv jdk-7u3-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/lib/jvm/ 3. Change the present […]