To crack an interview, it is must that your basic concepts about frameworks are pretty clear. On request of many of our students, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of questions to help you get through your Big Data – Hadoop interview. We’ve made sure that the most probable questions […]
Yet Another Resource Negotiator – A next generation resource management framework for Hadoop
Introduction to Hadoop
The document starts with the introduction to Hadoop and covers the Hadoop 1.x / 2.x services (HDFS / MapReduce / YARN). It also explains the architecture of Hadoop, the working of Hadoop distributed file system and MapReduce programming model. Hadoop Introduction
Apache Hadoop YARN: Best Practices
Found a nice presentation on YARN:Best Practices by Hortonworks…!!
Hadoop 2 Single Node Installation with YARN
Pre-requisites Before starting with Hadoop 2 single node installation, make sure that the node have the following pre-requisites: a) Any Linux Operating system b) Sun Java 1.6 or above should already be installed and the version should be same across all the nodes. To install Java, you can refer to the installation steps […]
YARN Introduction
YARN is a sub-project of Hadoop introduced in Hadoop 2.0. It is the next generation framework for resource management. With Map-Reduce focusing only on batch processing, YARN was conceptualised to provide a more general processing platform for data stored in HDFS. This document summarises the growing need of big data […]