Kibana is open source visualization framework as data plug-in in Elasticsearch. Through it, the visual capabilities of the data get enhanced in the context of indexing. Elasticsearch is totally an open source search engine working over HTTP interface and JSON documents with full texts. The components of it provide very specified and integrated solutions to most of the queries. There are many opportunities in Elasticsearch engineering for potential seekers. With the optimal approach and subjective knowledge over the concepts, you can get a distant platform to showcase your talent. In due context, few of the most important and frequently asked Kibana interview questions and Answers will help you a lot.
1) What is Kibana?
A) Kibana is an open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch. It provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster.
2) What is Kibana used for?
A) Kibana is a web interface that can be used to search and view the logs that Logstash has indexed. Logstash is an open source tool for collecting, parsing, and storing logs for future use. Both of these tools are based on Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, when used together is known as an ELK stack.
3) What is ELK stack?
A) The ELK stack consists of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Although they’ve all been built to work exceptionally well together, each one is a separate project that is driven by the open-source vendor Elastic—which itself began as an enterprise search platform vendor.
4) What is the Filebeat?
A) Filebeat is a log data shipper for local files. Installed as an agent on your servers, Filebeat monitors the log directories or specific log files, tails the files, and forwards them either to Elasticsearch or Logstash for indexing.
5) What is the elastic stack?
A) Elastic Stack is a group of open source products from Elastic Company designed to help users take data from any type of source and in any format and search, analyze, and visualize that data in real time.
6) What are the main components on Kibana interface?
A) Kibana hosts the perpetual Elasticsearch data and even navigate through it so that you can efficiently do your searching and modifications with the database. The most prominent interfaces of Kibana are basically divided into the major sections as-
- Discover
- Visualize
- Dashboard
- Settings
7) What is Kibana Discover interface?
A) When you first connect to Kibana 4, you will be taken to the Discover page. By default, this page will display all of your ELK stack’s most recently received logs.
8) What is Kibana Visualize interface?
A) The Kibana Visualize page is where you can create, modify, and view your own custom visualizations. There are several different types of visualizations, ranging from Vertical bar and Pie charts to Tile maps (for displaying data on a map) and Data tables.
9) What is Kibana Dashboard?
A) The Kibana Dashboard page is where you can create, modify, and view your own custom dashboards. With a dashboard, you can combine multiple visualizations onto a single page, then filter them by providing a search query or by selecting filters by clicking elements in the visualization. Dashboards are useful for when you want to get an overview of your logs, and make correlations among various visualizations and logs.
10) How to create Kibana Dashboard?
A) To create a Kibana dashboard, first, click the Dashboard menu item.
Here is a breakdown of the steps that are being performed:
- Clicked Add Visualization icon
- Added “Log Counts” pie chart and “Nginx: Top 10 client IP” histogram
- Collapsed the Add Visualization menu
- Rearranged and resized the visualizations on the dashboard
- Clicked Save Dashboard icon
- Choose a name for your dashboard before saving it.
11) What are Kibana Settings?
A) The Kibana Settings page lets you change a variety of things like default values or index patterns. In this tutorial, we will keep it simple and focus on the Indices and Objects sections.
12) Is Elasticsearch a Nosql DB?
A) Elasticsearch is a full-text, distributed NoSQL database. In other words, it uses documents rather than schema or tables. It’s a free, open source tool that allows for real-time searching and analyzing of your data.
13) What is Kibana Docker Image?
A) The images are available in two different configurations or “flavors”. The x-pack flavor, which is the default, ships with X-Pack features pre-installed. The oss flavor does not include X-Pack, and contains only open source Kibana.
You can download Kibana docker image at:
14) What is Kibana Port?
A) The default settings configure Kibana to run on localhost:5601 . To change the host or port number, or connect to Elasticsearch running on a different machine, you’ll need to update your kibana.yml file. You can also enable SSL and set a variety of other options.
15) What is kibana.yml?
A) The Kibana server reads properties from the kibana.yml file on startup. To change the host or port number, or connect to Elasticsearch running on a different machine, you’ll need to update your kibana.yml file. You can also enable SSL and set a variety of other options.
16) What is X-pack & a replica in Kibana?
A) The elastic stack extension is followed by a bundle of security and monitoring components all into an easily installed package. It also monitors, alerts and reports the segments. When the index is broken into shard and then get sequentially divided forming replicas. Replicas are basically the copies of shards. They are scaled by index
17) What is elastic stack and ELK stack?
A) An entire collection of open source products is known as an electric stack. They are derived from elastic design which basically helps to take data from any source following by any format. This also includes the search, analysis, and visualization of data. ELK stack is a terminology which is given when Electric search, Logstash, and Kibana are used all together.
18) What is Timelion in Kibana?
A) Timelion, also called as timeline is yet another visualization tool which is mainly used for time based data analysis. It helps more in comparison of data to the previous cycle in terms of week, month etc.
19) What is Canvas in Kibana?
A) Canvas visualization is one of the key feature in Kibana which can be use to represent data in different colour combinations, shapes, texts, multiple pages basically called as work pad.
20) What is Kibana Aggregation?
A) Kibana aggregation is collection of documents or a set of documents obtained from a particular search query or filter. There are two different types of aggregations in Kibana:
● Bucket Aggregation
● Metric Aggregation
21) What is Bucket Aggregation in Kibana?
A) A bucket mainly consists of a key and a document. When the aggregation is executed, the documents are placed in the respective bucket. So at the end you should have a list of buckets, each with a list of documents. The list of Bucket Aggregation you will see while creating visualization in Kibana is shown below −
- Date Histogram
- Date Range
- Filters
- Histogram
- IPv4 Range
- Range
- Significant Terms
- Terms
22) What is Metric Aggregation in Kibana?
A) Metric Aggregation refers to the maths calculation done on the documents present in the bucket. For example if you choose a number field the metric calculation you can do on it is COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX, AVERAGE etc.
We hope, this post will help you a lot. Please leave a comment if you want to update any answer or want to add any new question.
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