Explicit and Implicit waits in Selenium WebDriver

Waits are an important aspect of Automation Testing. Consider a situation where there is a slow network connection or your application is facing a heavy traffic or your application takes a few seconds to load all the web elements in to DOM or frequent page loads. In all the mentioned […]

HDFS High Availability Configuration

In the previous blog, we discussed about the HDFS High availability architecture. This blog describes the configurations for HDFS high availability in a Hadoop cluster. Pre-requisites Before configuring HDFS high availability, make sure that your Hadoop cluster has the following pre-requisites: a) You must have at-least two nodes to enable HDFS high availability. b) If you want to configure […]

Record My first UFT Script!!!

Hello friends!!! I hope you all have installed QTP into your machine as i have explained in my previous articles and you must have become familiar with the it’s IDE. Now let’s start with our first script of UFT. We all are aware of that UFT does support recording as […]

How to launch Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari using Selenium WebDriver?

In this tutorial, we would discuss one of the very basic topics of automation testing. To be able to execute the desired automated test cases, the user is required to launch the web browser first. Thus in this tutorial, we would learn “How to launch Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome and […]

MongoDB installation from tar distribution

Follow the steps below for MongoDB installation using tar distribution: 1. Download the stable release of MongoDB from here. 2. Extract the distribution tar –xzvf mongodb-linux 3. Create a directory for mongo db in /opt. mkdir /opt/mongodb 4. Move the distribution files to mongodb directory mv mongolinux/* /opt/mongodb 5. Add […]

How to close an alert window?

I have come across situations where I have to tackle with alert windows coming up on to my screen randomly i.e. when I am not sure of their occurring behavior. Thus, in this article, our major focus would remain on “How to close an alert window”. Lately, while developing a […]