Course Overview

The idea behind introducing this training is to make you an expert in using a very popular, free and automated testing tool “Selenium”. During the course of entire training, we will look at the various facets of Selenium. Selenium is a package of several independent tools and thus we will study some of the tools in detail with an adequate practical exposure. So before moving any further, let us first understand how this training is going to help and benefit you in achieving your career goals.

As the current industry trends have shown that there is mass movement towards automation testing. The cluster of repetitive manual testing scenarios has raised a demand to bring in the practice of automating these manual scenarios.

Benefits of Automation testing are:

  • Supports execution of repeated test cases
  • Aids in testing a large test matrix
  • Enables parallel execution
  • Encourages unattended execution
  • Improves accuracy thereby reducing human generated errors
  • Saves time and money

At ProTechSkills, we are offering an expert level course in Selenium WebDriver with a highly tuned combination of java basics and industry skills that will give you a solid standing among other Selenium Test Professionals.

Course Objectives

This course embodies the basic as well as the advance concepts in the Selenium space. The course is designed by the Industry experts to let students leverage the best benefits and practical exposure. To begin with, we have arranged a few sessions on Java to make you acquainted with programming constructs followed by sessions on Selenium IDE and WebDriver.

Our purpose is to make you job fit at the end of the training programme.

Who should go for this course?

This course is designed to enable and empower college students and Testing professionals who want to excel in their IT careers. This course starts with the basics and assumes no prior programming experience. Quality Engineers coming from manual testing background can exploit the course to expand their Testing scope and opportunities.

Course Duration

32-34 hours (2 Months Program – Weekend Only)

Course Structure

Selenium Overview
Basic Introduction and History
Java Introduction
Java Installation
Eclipse Installation
Features of Java
Sample Project
Classes and Objects (Sample Java Program)
Variable and Method declaration
Data types in Java
Conditional Statements
Local and Global variables
Main method
Loops, Arrays, Parameterized Methods
Do while loop
For loop
Examples of different types of loops via Programs
Parameterized methods
Return Types
Creating Packages
Accessing Classes Across Packages
Accessing modifiers – Public, Private, Default, Protected
Selenium IDE
Intalling Selenium IDE
Recording Script
Running, Pausing and debugging Script
Running a script line by line
Inserting commands in between script
Wait Commands
Verification and Assertions
Handling JavaScript Alerts
File Logging
Firebug Installation
Locator types and their Identification
Plugin Installation – Firebug
Basic of HTML – Tags and their attributes
Various types of Locators and their locating strategies
Locating WebElements – ID, Name, Class
Locating WebElements – Xpath, CSSSelector
Difference between Absolute and Relative Xpaths
Creating customized Xpaths
Creating customized CSS Selectors
Comparison between different locator types
Locating WebElements in Chrome and IE
Handling objects with same id/name/class
WebDriver – Introduction
WebDriver Introduction
WebDriver Installation
Create sample WebDriver class
Exercising Input fields, Buttons with practicals
Introduction to various Drivers
Unit Testing Framework – Junit/TestNG
About TestNG
Common Annotations used in TestNG
Test Case Grouping, Setting Priority and Creating Dependency
Skipping test cases
Using Testng.xml and using @parameter
WebDriver – Web Elements
More on locators in WebDriver
Desired Capabilities and Security certificate concept
Automating links, checkboxes, dropdowns, radio buttons
Conditions – isDisplayed, isEnabled, isChecked
WebDriver – Waits, Web Alerts, Dynamic Elements, Ajax Calls, Certificates
Implicit, Explicit waits and Fluent waits
ExpectedCondition interface and ExpectedConditions class
Window Handles
Close and Quit Commands
Handling Dynamic Elements
Managing Ajax based components
WebDriver – Action Class, Mouse Handling, Handling Frames
Extracting Data From WebTable
Handling Frames
Automating Mouse Interactions – Double Click, Right Click, Mouse Hover
Automating Keyboard Interactions
WebDriver – Navigation, Gmail File Attachment, Window Based popup
Handling Navigation
Handling Pop ups (Windows Based Pop ups and Web Based Pop ups)
JavaScriptExecutor example
Exception Handling
Exception handling with try catch block
Importance of exception handling
Exception and Error
Throwable Class
Final and Finally
Throw and Throws
Different Types of Exceptions
Need of exception handling in Selenium framework
Build Tool – Ant/Maven
What is Ant
Downloading and configuring Ant
Build.xml configuration
HTML Report generation using Ant
Framework Creation
Introduction to Framework
Types of frameworks
Overview of Data Driven Frameworks
Fetching test Data from excels
Creation of Generics
Reading/Writing Microsoft XLS Files
Continuous Integration and Build Automation
Introduction to Jenkins/Hudson
Installation of jenkins/Hudson
Setup job
Configuring job
Build and Execute Job
Collection Framework